
Can you grow saffron from seeds? – How Many Years Ago Was The First Saffron Planted Seed

November 27, 2020

Yes we can, if we don’t kill the plant, then it doesn’t grow.

Is there a specific strain of saffron I can grow? Do I have to buy all my saffron from you? Do you have to use any of the same seeds as other manufacturers?

Yes, our saffron comes in a variety of colors! If you are looking for the rare red/white variety, we will ship you this for free!

Is there a specific strain of saffron I can grow? Do I have to buy all my saffron from you? Do you have to use any of the same seeds as other manufacturers?

There is only one saffron strain that we can grow and it is called ‘Dalmatian’ saffron because it is grown by Dalmatians. If you want to find out more about our Saffran line of saffron, please visit us at www.Dalgarmatique.com.

Can I make the saffron dye a different colour? Would it spoil over time, or will it spoil within days or weeks?

Yes, we can dye saffron any colour you choose. We dye all our saffron as “fresh” from the seed, no time is used to make a saffron dye. This makes sure that our saffron does not get damaged by the heat inside a kiln, and keeps the dye fresh and clean too! There is no way to tell if your saffron is dyed, so please remember to use our dye to know how your saffron will turn out, and that we will dye your saffron to match the shade you pick for it.

Is there any way to make the saffron a different color? Would it spoil over time, or will it spoil within days or weeks?

Yes, there is a way. Dyeing in kilns also causes oxidation and discoloration. The sun is the best method, but not always the best for dyeing.

Do you have anything special to make your saffron stain more noticeable?

Yes, we can add a stain to the surface of your saffron. This is usually just adding some vegetable oil, to help seal our dye seal.
Aquatic Plant Central

Do you have anything special to make your saffron stain more noticeable?

Yes, we can add a stain to the surface of your saffron

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