
Can skeletons talk? – Talking With Mouth Closed Is Called

August 14, 2020


Can skeletons move?


Can skeletons scream?


Can skeletons throw stuff?


Does that mean I can go into a haunted house and take the spirit of a person who died from cancer and the soul of a person who died from malaria, and use them to power a magic book?

Yes. I’m not afraid of ghosts or demons in any way. I don’t see a problem with that at all.

I wonder if there’s a connection between the ability to enter another person’s mind and the ability to control an object without their consent. Would that even make sense?

Yes. This would apply to a number of creatures who possess mind readers and such.

Okay. Now I know I can’t tell if people are real or just spirits. But I’ve never heard of people who’d have hallucinations before they went out of their bodies. They don’t seem to be able to read my mind. What are they capable of?

This varies from individual to individual. Some people have such a capacity that they can’t control it. Others can, but they’re more aware than others.

And you can’t tell if something is real because you don’t have it in your body.

No. The only way to determine whether something is or isn’t real is to examine the body to see how it feels and what it has done and how it wants to react when you die.

Okay. What about all the “magic” stuff you mentioned in the last question?

Most of it is real.

Does it still affect someone who has it?


It seems to apply only to mind reading, not telepathy. I was under the impression that the magic would make people act crazy when I was in my body.


So you’d have to examine the brain to tell if it was in the right area of the brain or not.

You’d probably find it difficult to find out what exactly was going on in someone’s mind.

That’s all. It should all be clear now. All you’ve got to do is look at other people and their minds.

No, I just mean that you can’t force anyone to do anything (or, rather, any thing they don’t want to do).

There’s nothing wrong with having a desire to control another person. It’s

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